#EarthDayEveryDay Nearpod Decision-making Part 1
Nearpod Decision-making Part 1 Lessons:
Below we feature 4 new decision-making lessons that use Nearpod. You can download these with the editable links included with each activity below or you can use the embedded previews as presentation tool with students completing the interactivity on the side.
Sea Turtles
This sea turtles lesson hits science standards in 4-5, but can be used for ELA and social studies in K-5. Here is the editable link to save and edit.
Here is a preview of the lesson:
http://conserveturtles.org/trackingmap/ Link to the Conserve Turtles Tracking map
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-5CZ67e__o&feature=emb_logo Video from the Florida Aquarium.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-5CZ67e__o&feature=emb_logo Video from the Florida Aquarium.
Recycle Bins
This Recycle Bins lesson hits science standards in 1-3, but can be adapted to other grade levels for ELA and Social Studies. Here is the editable link and a preview of the activity.
This Recycle Bins lesson hits science standards in 1-3, but can be adapted to other grade levels for ELA and Social Studies. Here is the editable link and a preview of the activity.
This Adopt-a-Road lesson hits science standards in K-1 but is adaptable to all grades. Here is the editable link and a preview of the activity.
This Adopt-a-Road lesson hits science standards in K-1 but is adaptable to all grades. Here is the editable link and a preview of the activity.
Endangered Animals
The Endangered Animals lesson links to science standards in 4-5 but can be adaptable to all grades. Here is the editable link and a preview of the activity.
The Endangered Animals lesson links to science standards in 4-5 but can be adaptable to all grades. Here is the editable link and a preview of the activity.